February 2009
Village Grove Homeowner’s Meeting
February 5, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 7:07pm in the clubhouse by President, Kathy Morgan.
Board Members Present: | ||
Kathy Morgan | President | |
Tammy Rumfelt | Vice President | |
Maria Sanchez | Secretary | |
Roman Vayner | Assistant Secretary | |
Homeowners Present: | ||
Joyce Jackson | ||
Alli Palusko | ||
Sharon Barnett | ||
Anne Cooney | ||
Topics of business:
1. Kathy introduced the new board. Welcome to Tammy who is a condo owner. Tammy has taken the Vice President seat. Kathy will remain President, Robert will remain Treasurer, Maria will remain Secretary and Roman will take the Assistant Secretary seat.
2. Joyce brought to the attention of the board the puddles of water that are forming in front of elevator and stairs in the condo area.
a.Board to check into the warranty of the flooring to see if it can be leveled.
3. Tammy is working on getting bids for the re-carpeting of the 2nd and 3rd floors of the condos, as well as re-carpeting the clubhouse.
a. Received one bid and is working on getting additional bids.
4. Plans of fixing up the inside of the clubhouse.a. Remove wall paper and paintb. Get new furniture5. Parking spaces in underground parking:
a. Area has been cleared out with exception of a limo
b. It is not clear who owns the spaces
c. Brockman received a letter from the leaser advising he is the owner of the spaces
d. Attorney is working on this issue
e. Once issue is resolved, the spaces will be rented:
i. 1st choice – 1 space condo owners
ii. 2nd choice – 2 space condo owners
iii. 3rd choice – open to all VG homeowers
f. Idea of making 1 space a bike area
6. Front gate (facing Centralia) needs fixing
7. Front side walk-in gate is broken. Children have been seen swinging/”riding” on door. Will ask Jill to send out letter.
8. Looking into a Key-Entry system
9. Tammy looked into carpet replacement in the condo patiosa. $250 each patiob. if more than 10 people interested, it may be less
10. Person in condo is annoyed with the new light in the guest parking area. Person did not attend the meeting. They sent message with Joyce.
11. New plants have been put in the front entrance (Centralia)
12. There is a window in the underground parking that has been covered with mesh. It is looks tacky and is falling apart. People have gotten their clothe and hand caught in it. Will look into removing it.
13. Board will do a walk-through of the entire complex to make sure everything is under code.
14. People are interested in the Verizon FIO. It is now available in the area.
a. May not work because wiring in the VG complex is very old.
b. Tammy will look into it and report back
15. Fence around pool filters need to be replace
16. Time to change air filter in clubhouse
17. The stream may be turned off from time to time due to weather (winds and rain). This is to avoid damage to filters.
18. A request was made to change light timer in condo area. Lights are going on at 2pm.
19. Next meeting will be help on April 2, 2009
Meeting adjourned at 7:37pm