October 2009

October 1, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 7:07pm in the clubhouse by President, Kathy Morgan.

Topics of business:

1. Discussed the redoing of the stream and need to finalize the two bids. One with just redoing the steam as is and another with part of the stream taken out but leaving the same amount of waterfalls and making more room around pool area.  Another bid is to have the cost for pavers done.

2. Gas leak out by the spa which was discovered last night. The gas and spa have been turned off. Ron is working with Jill on getting this issue fixed ASAP.   

3. People have complained about a group of people that used the clubhouse last Saturday. The group had 15+ kids running around in and out of the stream and being really loud.  No parents were around to watch these kids.  Warning letter needs to be sent out to who reserved the clubhouse.   

a. it was mentioned that we should be getting deposits for people who reserve the clubhouse.

4. It was brought to everyone’s attention that the police were called recently to unit #3. There have been planters broken around this area and it was reported that daughter who lives there brings many friends over who smoke, and are really loud and cause a great deal of disturbances. Board will ask Jill to send letter to homeowners.

5. Parking spaces – Homeowners asked for an update on the status of the lawsuit. Board has nothing to add at this time as they have not heard anything from Jill or lawyer but will ask for another update.

6. Owner of unit #33 complained of BBQ smoke from unit #11 smoker grill. Owner has to close door and windows as a lot smoke enters their home. Board will look into the rules about having smokers on balconies.

Meeting adjourned at 8:03pm