December 2011

December 15, 2011

Meeting started at 7:30pm

Homeowners Present:

Ron Sanchez     5433
Frances Pianelli     5479 #22
Bob & June Wigton    5453
Sharon Barnett    5467
Kathy Morgan    5439
Tammy Roether     5479 #20
Iris Slonin    5429
Barry & Donna   #5447

Topics Discussed: 

1) Looking into getting wood around complex replaced but slowly to keep costs down. Ron will start with guard shack and we will go from there

2) Kids are skate boarding around complex. We are trying to deal with it but if you see them, please politely ask them to not skateboard inside and report to Jill. The kids were mildly approached by Ron. They were under control ,also with in rules and regulation

3) Francis likes the meeting times better at 7pm, rather than 7:30pm

4) Sad to see Sharon moving out!

5) Forecloser. Inform of Due collection of 1,200 Dollars.

6 )Curb painting. The paint has faded by the Centralia st. entrance, someone has to call .
7) Cardtable. We need to replace card tables. We will be on the lookout for a bargin
8) The HOA board is trying to change the signers on the bank accounts.
Board positions decided:
Tammy- president
Kathy- VP
Barry- Secretary
Iris- Treasurer
1 open position

Next HOA meeting: 1/19, Thursday at 7pm for short meeting and farewell party to Sharon and Clay

Meeting Ajourned at 8:00pm