November 2013

Village Grove

Board Meeting

November 14, 2013

Homeowners present: Margaret, Donna, Barry, Kathy, Tammy, Janis, Ron

2013 completed projects:
    – wood project
    – condo roof
    – concrete root damage spot
    about to start:
    – planter box complete redo/ make over
    – tree trimming
looking towards 2014:
    – New board member Geoff
    – Iris has moved and is leaving the board
    – Dues are staying the same for 2014 but expect a $10-$15 raise in 2015
    future projects:
        – townhome roofs- 2016?
        – stucco and pain- 2016/2017?
        – Condo gate
Items discussed with Ron-
    1) lighting issues- he will remove back/ condo outside ones until planter box job is done
    2) will reach out to gardeners to discuss what is going back in planter box as well as tree trimming schedule
    3) Condo lights constantly one- will check out
    4) Spreading out replacing garden lights throughout complex due to cost (all agreed)
    5) Stream sealer not right size, ordering 3 so in future we will have what we need and not have to wait so long
Happy holidays!