May 2014

Home Owner’s Association Meeting
Meeting Started at 7 p.m.

Present: Board Members, Frances Pianelli, Bill Torres, Maggie Shapiro

Attendance List

Condo—Water heater has a large rust spot that is visible from the street. How often is the water heater checked?

Plants along driveway—some need to be trimmed, etc.

Dumpster—Area underneath needs to be cleaned out from spillage.

Skylights—When townhome roofs are done this fall can we have skylights to open as a cooling method to let hot air out? Issue may be who would be responsible—HOA or Owner. This could be a possibility if homeowner wants to pay the difference.

Wrought Iron fences—The rust is an issue. This problem is being discussed. No decision yet.

Earthquake cracks is another future project

Question: When is the next time for termite checks/fumigation? Will check.

Pool—Everyone needs to police the area. Teenagers have been known to do damage. Other issues relate to profanity, loudness, etc. There is a liability issue that we need to be aware of. Important to follow CC&R’s about a homeowner being at the pool with their children.

Rocks have been thrown into the stream (large size). Children seem to be doing this and the ones identified so far will be contacted. The cost to repair the stream a few years ago was significant. We need to take care of the property.

There are 3 parking spaces available for sale at a cost of $5,000 to $10,000.

Trees along outside and driveway will have to be removed. Two trees that died were removed that were near stream.

Meeting Adjourned 7:35