2015 December

Village Grove

2015 December

HOA Meeting

Attendance List

Decisions: Bathroom outside near pool—due to cost is a no vote

Planter Pipes—Vote of yes, 4-1

2016 Goal is to conserve so there will be money to paint the townhomes in 2017

Election Results: two spots open

#1—Robert *

#2—Geoff *



Plan for painting of condo building is for latter end of January.

Fix cracks in Stucco and Paint


Parking space 11 has leak from pipe that comes from one of the burned out units.

Breezeway—Will no longer be green paint. Question on ceiling tiles—could it be open. Ceiling tiles are replaced each time damaged from leaks.

Termites—the sealing on some units are missing

Rats—Some have noticed. The city used to have a program that they will come out and set traps. Will look into what can be done

Roofs out Front—very old, wood crumbles and tar paper. This should be fixed before painting

Deductible on insurance claim was $5,000.

Meeting Ended 7:43