January 2016

January 25 Board Meeting—To talk about Stucco


Condo Paint—If we fix cracks in stucco now, will save since the areas would have to be repainted.  The cost now is $2,385 compared to more if done later.               Vote:  5 yes


Between now and February 1, everyone is to bring a “wish” list of items of concern around the complex.


Flooring on first floor of condos—fighting to get insurance to cover entire floor and not just in front of damaged units.


Talked about replacing removed tree near handicap ramp.


Main drain in the driveway—there is a need for cleaning it out on the west side.


Other for list:  Meter boxes, tree roots, large pipes and main drain, no parking by ramp, all other drains, sandblasting garage and repainting #’s