May 2017

Village Grove

May 24, 2017


Board Meeting

Began at 6:35 ended at 7:00

Present:  Janis, Barry, Geoff, Tammy, Sid

There is a need to focus on must do items in spending and not do the nice to do items.  Budget is tight and we have to take care of items that will keep us safe and enhance our property.

Doors for Club House—One company over $6,000.  Kindle $5800.  Decision for now, wait until later.  Look for other choices, bids

Plumbing—two part bid–$2500 and $1218 costs.  Need more information before going ahead

Stucco/Paint for Townhomes—Hope to start in the fall.  Get bids to do the work in 4 phases—Clubhouse and standalones, East side, West Side, Front.  Let the chosen company decide which is the worst and start there.

Grates—Will confirm with Fraga.  Coming on a Weekend,  Janis to send picture about missing bolt to Fraga at 562-370-4764

Ron—We need some sort of check-off to help us and Ron to remember items requested.  Geoff is going to check into GoogleDocs.

Next meeting—Will be a Wednesday.  No date as of yet.


HOA Meeting

Began at 7:00  Ended at 7:55

Attendance List

Cards for Jill—Office and family  We don’t know if Alyceann will stay as our representative with Brockman.

Clubhouse doors—explained there is a need, still looking into

Drain pipes—explained problems and notified that work will be done once bid is clarified.

Concrete—will be fixed after drain pipes are fixed.

Stucco/Paint for Townhomes—discussed that project will be done over time, broken into 4 parts.  Vendor will decide the order.

Pumps ???? –last twice as long

Grates—to be fixed, will notify when it is scheduled

Summer Pool Issues—watch out especially for outside teens who basically sneak in.  Let them know that it is not permitted.  Suggestion to put up signs

From unit #4—where are water shut-offs?  Electric?  There is a free-standing water spicket that needs to be replaced.  Suggestion:  use the guard shack map to help identify these items

Windows—townhome homeowners can get someone to clean upper windows as long as the tile is not walked on.  The flat roof is ok to walk on.

Townhome skylights.  Owners have noticed cracks on crinkling.  Individual use but leaks are association.

Mosquitos—because of all the rain, will be greater numbers this summer.  Be careful about standing water.

Dead lights around the area.  Ron has a list of items to fix and the lights are on the list.  Also mentioned:  the outlets around the outside of the clubhouse are not working.  May be the result of the flooding during the big rainstorms.  Will check into.

Condo garage—leaking pipes.  Caused by individual unit problems.  Not an association responsibility unless it is in a common pipe.