December 2021

Village Grove HOA Board Meeting 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021 
-Discussed financials and highlighted line items with only 1 year left on the life expectancy to show the residents at homeowners’ meeting 
-Planned agenda for homeowners’ meeting 
-Dorian updated the board on engineering/pillar situation 
-Discussed signage (metal versus wooden, font and pricing) 
-Discussed upgrading phone system in guard shack 
-Discussed the need to reiterate to residents that as much as the board wants to help, if there is an issue they need to contact Brockman Properties and that the rules are not the board’s rules, they are HOA rules 
-Discussed gardener and landscaping 
-Discussed safety issues in VG and possibly a locked community package drop off box for deliveries 
-Meeting adjourned early (6:45 pm) because resident from unit number 18 arrived 15 minutes early for homeowners’ meeting 
Respectfully submitted by Sid Shapiro 

HOA Homeowners Meeting 
Wednesday, December 1, 2021 7 PM 

-Welcomed residents, asked for all to sign the attendance sheet 
-Introductions were made by all 
-Board offered aloe plants to all residents 
-Thank you to Don for being vigilant with the Amazon truck who damaged our property and for reaching out to Brockman Properties (thanks to him, they will be paying in full for all damages they made to our gate) 
– Please contact Brockman Properties for any issues (for emergencies, please reach out to a board member, too) 

-Reviewed financials and discussed in depth the reserve study 
-Discussed the plumbing/pipes and who is responsible (individual homeowner for individual use pipes or the HOA for shared pipes) 
-Wood project needs to be put on hold until we get more information about the damaged pillar in the garage 

-Updated the residents on the damaged pillar/waiting on information and testing from the commercial structural engineer 
-Question about painting the railing of individual balconies/paint codes online but the paint might not be available at the store 
-Safety concerns were brought up/Please be aware of your surroundings and people on the grounds/Packages being stolen and cars being broken into/Residents are requested to please be vigilant in picking up their packages as soon as they arrive. The idea of a locked drop box for packages was discussed (size, location and pricing will be researched) 
-Signage showing unit numbers was discussed/Vote was taken whether $75 metal signs or $225 wooden signs would be best. Metal signs won. Two signs at $75 each, totaling $150 will be ordered. 
-Discussion of upgrading the call box in the guard shack. Vote was taken whether to leave it as is (phone system) or upgrade (computer system).  Upgrade vote passed. The call box will be upgraded to a computerized system ASAP. Residents asked to email, call, or write Brockman Properties to make sure your correct name and phone number will be used. 
-Landscaping updates were given by Bill. Requests have been made and work has been approved, but the gardeners are short staffed and do not have all of the supplies needed 
-Please leave the flags found around VG in place. Fixes and replacements are on the way. 
-Update on water leak in the alley. It is an individual homeowner who is already aware of their responsibility. 
-Tree trimming went well (no broken tiles). Schedule reviewed with homeowners (trees trimmed, then roof inspection for broken tiles, then gutters cleaned out) 
-Holiday lights hanging party was rescheduled for Saturday, Dec.4th at 2 PM (not enough volunteers showed up for the original date). Thank you to Dorian who donated materials and his time to make the complex look more festive. 
-Floor was open to questions 
-Due to the severe deficit in emergency financial reserves, the  HOA dues will be going up $25 a month effective January 1, 2022. 
-It was reiterated that Village Grove is a community and every home is responsible for 1/60 of the upkeep and financial responsibility. 
-Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM 

Respectfully submitted by Sid Shapiro